This book is the hardest to rate to date. Who is this author? Why did he choose Oxford, Mississippi, as the location for all the forces of his story to come together? I want to point out some of the mistakes I think the author made. This story occurred in 1998-99. Highway 78 was by that time a four lane interstate highway. It does not lead from Memphis to Oxford. No one lolly gags on the Lafayette County Courthouse lawn drinking beer. We tend to drink alcoholic beverages inside restaurants, home
This book is the hardest to rate to date. Who is this author? Why did he choose Oxford, Mississippi, as the location for all the forces of his story to come together? I want to point out some of the mistakes I think the author made. This story occurred in 1998-99. Highway 78 was by that time a four lane interstate highway. It does not lead from Memphis to Oxford. No one lolly gags on the Lafayette County Courthouse lawn drinking beer. We tend to drink alcoholic beverages inside restaurants, homes and the Grove on game days. The Deuce and Michael Vick are cousins (a little trivia). I can neither find nor recall who quarterbacked Deuce. If he and Eli Manning paired off, that would have been a match made in heaven. In trying to find the respective years that Eli and The Deuce played for Ole Miss, I did a Google search and was surprised to find that Eli was found dead yesterday. It took a while for me to figure out it was a hoax (pronounced in two syllables with a long ‘o’ {ho-axe}). Eli is not dead. Everybody breathe. Brett Favre (Southern Miss and Green Bay, the best quarterback to have ever played the game) and the Deuce would have made a team better than heaven. Model 1965-66 Ford Mustangs did not come equipped with CD players, but the radio sounded fine. One of the University’s schools has grown marijuana for years. Some experiment of some kind, they say. Now, I never saw the university sanctioned field, but I believe it is behind the married students’ trailer park community. I am finished with the author’s erroneous material, I think. Now, I am about to tell you about the vulgar language that infuriated me. My fellow professionals use profanity, BUT not in public and not in the courtroom and not in the presence of ladies and children. My mother confirmed that people do not use profanity in everyday speak. She said we had one cousin that was loose with language, but he was careful in front of children. I have male children. If one of them let loose with profanity, I told him in the most severe manner to keep that talk somewhere other than in my presence or in the presence of any other female. This author used inappropriate language as a manner of everyday speech. That is not done in restaurants, elevators, on the street–do you get what I am saying? It is simply not done. As I read this book, I was quite embarrassed by Trent’s language. He seemed like such a fine young man until he talked.
Summation: I gave this book five stars sometimes. I took them away when vulgarities were used or when people who were not married just lived together. Have you not heard our president say that unmarried people should not shack up? The author’s characters seemed too drunk or too stoned to have many productive days. The bookie situation, I loved! I have never put money on a game, but a couple I knew in school were known as The Bookie and The Brain. Football and assassinations. Neither had anything to do with the other, but I loved the book! By now you know where I come from, and Lafayette, Pontotoc and Union counties are God’s country. You can put one foot in Pontotoc County, the other foot in Lafayette county and bend over to put a hand in Union county. Those are my roots.
I cannot leave without a Faulkner story. He was born in Union County in the St. Fransis Catholic Church rectory. My husband and I were married in that church. Anyway, Faulkner lived at Rowan Oak with his sister. Miss Faulkner sat on the porch in the daytime wearing pearls. Come five o’clock, she dressed for dinner and afterwards sat on the porch wearing diamonds. Decorum is important here. ABSALOM, ABSALOM is the first Faulkner book that anyone should read. Leave THE SOUND AND THE FURY alone until after you have read another or two Faulkner books. Otherwise, you will miss the nuggets of pure gold hidden within the many, many many words of TSATF.
Thank you, Mr. Fraser, for a good read.
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