Many amateur bettors have a flutter for emotional reasons, as opposed to an objective assessment of the probable outcome. They might be betting on their favourite sports stars, home town, or country. Bookmakers respond to this by adjusting their odds. This means that the odds-on favourite might be based on popularity rather than who the bookmaker believes will actually win.
This places an advantage at the feet of the professional bettor looking for the right deals based on the most likely outcome. Finding the right bookmaker is also part of finding the right deal, of course. These days, that’s been made easier with comparison sites such as that review betting sites, as well as providing a run-down of their welcome offers, among other things.
So when it comes to placing your bet, leave emotions (and your favourite team) out of it.
Keep your eyes on the odds
Winning sports bettors place money on results they believe to be more probable than the odds imply. Often, this means that they’re betting on a competitor or side that they believe will lose, as, with competitive odds, this still earns them long-term profits.
Casual bettors bet on who they believe will win, but professionals focus on the odds and seek out the best deals. Pros make money over time by looking out for potential outcomes they believe that bookmakers have undervalued. Sometimes this sees them placing a bet on the underdog and other times on the favourite. Either way, if you have designs on becoming a professional sports bettor, only ever place a bet when you feel that the odds are right.
Invest in your knowledge
Warren Buffet, possibly the greatest stock investor of all time, says never to invest in any business in which you have no knowledge. The same holds true for sports betting.
Seek out outcomes that are more probable than their implied odds. For this, you’ll need to gain a substantial insight into your chosen sports than the bookmakers. Most of the money is bet on major games, even more so when televised. Professional sports bettors, however, tend to look for more niche bets. They limit their focus to a couple of sports in order to build in-depth knowledge that allows then to beat the bookmaker. The NFL season is about to start with training camp battles already heating up. By limiting yourself to that one sport, for example, you have the chance to gain specialist knowledge.
Look for one or two particular sports or less obvious sports that still provide plenty of opportunities to bet while also holding potential for you to build your expertise in. You could also consider lesser known parts of the sport, or perhaps the lower leagues.
Sport is merely a form of entertainment for most people. That means that the competition is often talked about by fans, whether down the pub or in the media. The focus for fans, of course, is different than it is for a sports bettor. Gamblers have to put aside their emotion and view sport very differently.
Most people brush off gambling as luck, but there’s more to it than that. Sport isn’t random and there are plenty of professional bettors who dominate by betting in unconventional ways. Understanding the same flaws as the professionals will help you to win, and win consistently.
Like with any job, in order to become a professional, you’ll need to apply hard work, experience, and skills, which all takes time. Until then, these tips should stand you in good stead in giving you an edge over the bookmakers.